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Yamaha reveals new hybrid synth, MODX

The slick new product is a mid-priced take on the Montage workstation…

Yamaha is releasing a new synth, MODX, which starts at €1,399 and is a hybrid, mid-priced new addition to their synth range.

It will combine two key technologies, Advanced Wave Memory (AWM2) synthesis and the eight-operator FM engine, FM-X, in something which Yamaha hopes will be used by musicians on the go as well as in the studio.

The synth offers a cheaper version of the Montage workstation of 2016 from the Japanese company, keeping several features, including a “super knob” that controls multiple parameters concurrently, and a built-in audio interface with two ins and 10 outs.

Beat Repeat, Analog Delay, amp simulators and Vinyl Break Bit Crusher all feature on the MODX, which comes in three models, the 49-key MODX6, 76-key MODX7 and 88-key MODX8.

MODX6 is €1,399, while the MODX7 is €1,599 and the MODX8 is €1,849, all available later this month. 

An introductory video from Yamaha introduces the MODX: 

We rounded up five of the best free synth plugins earlier this year, to be discovered here.

A recent round table discussion with Richie Hawtin, Laurent Garnier and Ellen Allien amongst others explored the question of whether technology is helping or hurting DJs.